Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
In Year 4, we have so many things to look forward to. Our topics are incredibly interesting and engaging. We will be learning all about Invaders and Settlers, Extreme Earth, the Groovy Greeks and London.
Year 4 is a great opportunity for the children to really strengthen their learning and your support at home is crucial.
Reading records are collected every morning so that the teacher can ensure reading is taking place at home, daily. Your child will have the opportunity to read to an adult at least once a week. The adult will stamp the reading record to indicate when your child was read with. Please remember to also complete the reading record at home, after your child has read. There is also a weekly spelling check on Mondays and new spellings will be issued on Tuesdays. At the end of Year 4, the children will be sitting their MTC (Multiplication Tables Check) which we will be working on and supporting with this throughout the year.
Year 4 have PE on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Therefore, it is crucial that children come to school in their PE kits on these days.
If you would like to contact anyone from the Year 4 team, please feel free to email us on
Thank you,
Miss Richardson and Mr Clarke