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Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School

Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School

School Governance

The Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School Board of Governors is a diverse group of people, all volunteers, with a common interest in the school, its staff, pupils and buildings and the community of which it forms a part. Each Governor brings different strengths and skills to the Governing Board, but all have a commitment to helping the school. 

The full governing body meets at least twice a term. The Headteacher provides all the necessary information to the governing body so that it can do its job well. The governors delegate the day to day responsibility for the management of the school to the Headteacher, including implementation of the strategic direction agreed by the governing body.

The governors focus strongly on three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff;
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The  governing body has places for 12 governors: 

  • 7 Co-opted governors who are appointed by the Governing Body from the community
  • 2 elected parent governors
  • 1 Local Authority governor 
  • 1 elected staff governor
  • The headteacher 

Governors are appointed or elected for a four year term, but can stand for re-appointment or re-election if they wish. 

The Governing Body at Wooden Hill works as a ‘whole team’, meeting a minimum of 6 times per year, once in each half-term.  There are also a number of committees.  The Finance, Risk & Resources Committee meets at least every half-term.  The Standards & Effectiveness Committee meets at least every term.  There are other Committees and Panels that meet less frequently, and are convened only when required.

The role of the Governing Body:

For further information or to contact the Governing Body, please contact the clerk to the governing body:

Email –

Letter – Clerk to Governors, Woodenhill Primary and Nursery School, Staplehurst, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 8DB

Wooden Hill Chair of Governors: Mr Gavin Handford 

Co-opted Governors






Appointed by: Governing Body
Category: Co-opted Governor

Roles & Responsibilities: Vice Chair – Finance, Risk & Resources Committee.  Attendance & Pupil Premium Link Deputy. Art, DT & Music Link


Mrs Clare Barnes

Appointed by: Governing Body
Category: Co-opted Governor 

Roles & Responsibilities: SEND Link Deputy.  Safeguarding Link Deputy.  History & Geography Link 

Mrs Susan Leigh

Appointed by: Governing Body
Category: Co-opted Governor 

Roles & Responsibilities: Chair HT PMR. Link Governor for SEND & Pupil Premium and Reading. 


Mr Brian Poxon

Appointed by: Governing Body
Category: Co-opted Governor

Roles & Responsibilities: 

Vice-Chair of FGB, Development Governor. Chair of Standards & Effectiveness Committee. Link Governor for Writing and Educational Performance Data.


Appointed by: Governing Body
Category: Co-opted Governor 

Roles & Responsibilities: Vice Chair – Standards & Effectiveness Committee.  Science & Computing (Incl ESafety) Link.  


Mr Gavin Handford

Appointed by: Governing Body
Category: Chair of Governing Board

Roles & Responsibilities: 

Chair of FGB. Development Governor. Chair of Standards & Effectiveness Committee. Link Governor for EYFS, Resources, GDPR and High Priorities


Ms Jodie Bryan

Appointed by: Governing Body
Category: Co-opted Governor 

Roles & Responsibilities: 

Parent Governors

Miss Jo Prior

Appointed by: Parent Election
Category: Parent Governor

Roles & Responsibilities: Chair of the Pay Committee. Link Governor for Safeguarding & Child Protection, Health & Well-being and Attendance. 

Mr Barney Owen


Appointed by: Parent Election
Category: Parent Governor

Roles & Responsibilities: 


Local Authority Governor

Mrs Miriam Stallard

Appointed by: Local Authority
Category: Local Authority Governor

Roles & Responsibilities: Chair of Finance & Resources Committee. Link Governor for Finance and Maths. 

Staff Governor

Mrs Natasha Smith

Appointed by: Staff Election
Category: Staff Governor 

Roles & Responsibilities: Link Governor for Health & Safety and Wider Curriculum. 


Headteacher and Clerk

Mr Ian Garner

Appointed by: N/A
Category: Headteacher

Roles & Responsibilities:


Clerk - Jane Hodgson


Appointed by: Governing Body
Category: Clerk

Roles & Responsibilities: 

Clerk to the Governing Body

No longer on Governing Body Served on Governing Body in last 12 months

Ms Amrita Sandu - Co-opted Governor