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Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School

Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School


Welcome to our Reception Class pages.

We are looking forward to getting to know you and helping you in your learning journey over the next year. In Reception, we use Tapestry to record children’s learning as well as sharing news. Please make sure you regularly check your child’s account to see what we have been up to!

The teachers in Reception are Mrs Collins and Mrs Arnold (Vole class) and Mrs Andrews and Miss Maidment (Mole class). The Early Years Key Workers are Mrs Riley, Mrs McDonald-Gunner and Miss Clark.

In Reception, we follow a play-based curriculum with a balance of child and adult-led activities. Please see our topic overviews to see what the children will be learning about in class.

We follow Read Write Inc phonics and as we introduce children to letter sounds, we will send home some letter formation sheets to help them practise. Your child will soon also have a Read Write Inc Phonics books sent home with them.

Your child just needs to bring a named water bottle and book bag to school each day. They will be provided with a drink and fruit snack each day. It is also helpful for your child to bring in a change of clothes and wellington boots (which can be kept at school) as we do follow a very active curriculum and learn outside in all weathers!

Once the children are settled and used the routines, we will have PE on a Thursday. Children will need to come into school with their uniform and PE kit in their bags. We will update you as to when PE lessons will start.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you all to Wooden Hill School.