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Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School

Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School


Phonics is taught through Ruth Miskin's Read, Write, Inc approach.

Each week your child will learn new sounds which will be shared with you on a Monday as well as being uploaded to Google Classroom.

Please continue to read regularly with your child and encourage  phonics application when doing so - for example, encourage blending of sounds to form a word,  using the appropriate sounds rather than sounding out individual sounds. 

Your child has a pack of sound cards in their reading pack. See what words they can form:

e.g c-a-t makes cat.

To extend your child encourage them to write the word, and see what other words can be made by changing the initial sound.

e.g c-a-t makes cat, r-a-t makes rat etc.

Remember to record reading and phonics work in your child's reading record, and if you have any queries please email or write your request in your child's reading record. We are always  happy to respond to any queries you may have.