Learning at Home
The home learning to take place in Year One is as follows:
Daily Homework
The most important home work is sharing a book with your child daily. If your child reads at home please make sure that you record this in the home learning diary. The more they read, the more doors that opens.
Weekly Homework
Spellings – Tricky words/Common Exception Words
Some words just need to be learnt by heart as you can’t use phonological knowledge to spell them. These are call our tricky words. Each child has been given their first tricky word train to start Year 1 (a red one) once your child is able to read and spell these words out of and in a context they will then move onto the next. Please help you child with reading and spelling these every week.
Your child will be given a login for our new spelling programme 'Spelling shed'. We will upload 5 spellings every week. These will range from common exception words, phonics related words or topic words.
Spelling games can include...
rainbow writing - writing each letter in a different colour
pyramid writing - h
Your child can continue to use the 'Teach your monster to read' app which is a great game for fun phonics learning.
Mental Maths
Year 1 – children should know the number bonds to 10 by heart, for example 1 + 9 =10, 2+8 =10 Challenge – do you know all the numbers that make 20?Here are some number bond games you could use at home:
We have subscribed to Numbots. Please use this weekly to practise the Year 1 basic skills. These are timed challenges so as your child becomes quicker, new levels will open.